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The Issue at Hand

How many times have you gotten excited about a home-based business opportunity, putting in hard work while making sacrifices, only to be let down by the decisions made behind the ‘corporate curtain?’ As the current owners of Nélo Life, we certainly have been in your shoes! Few things are more heartbreaking and frustrating then seeing your hopes and dreams decimated because of lack of transparency on the corporate side, often involving pride, ego, greed, arrogance, incompetence, or often a combination thereof.

Our Commitment to You

While we can assure you that we will never be perfect, we WILL always commit to full Transparency with our Affiliate Family and Members. Building Trust through Transparency is the only way to build and sustain a lifelong partnership and transformational journey together. Our goal is to always be great stewards of your hopes and dreams, and this is what drives us every day to best serve YOU!

What is the purpose of this page?

To share our heart and truth with those who are interested in our global movement, or have questions or concerns they would like addressed.

Is this considered Multi-Level Marketing, Network Marketing, Direct Sales, or a Home-Based Relationship Business?

Absolutely! Nélo Life is relationship marketing done the right way! While we would agree that there are a lot of things we dislike about certain aspects of the industry (just like ANY other industry that involves the human element), there is no doubt that nearly $200 billion in global industry revenue proves its power and viability. We look forward to co-creating a new standard of excellence in relationship marketing with our Affiliate Family! One where TRUST, TRANSPARENCY, and TRANSFORMATION are at the forefront!

My friend told me "these things never work." Why?

While we consider everyone to be God’s children, we have also found that ‘free’ advice can be one of the costliest things in peoples’ lives! Nearly $200 billion USD in global revenue annually provides insights into the massive size and success of the industry across the world. We feel relationship marketing done the right way is one of the most powerful business models ever created that can allow ‘average’ people from all walks of life the chance at creating a tremendous lifestyle based on performance, and many top business and thought leaders across the world agree! In fact, we have proven through our own hard work, coachability, and commitment that life-changing success is possible in this industry! We pride ourselves in setting a new standard of excellence in relationship marketing with like-minded people that are ready to be part of a new paradigm shift!

Have the co-founders ever owned another relationship marketing company?

No. Nick, Larry, and Eric were top leaders and income earners in several other companies as field leaders. They were all together one time in another venture, but they were not on the corporate side and had zero decision making authority. They were independent field representatives like everyone else in the field. Unfortunately, that company did not manifest their dream or promises, but the experience did provide an opportunity to start Nélo Life. Sometimes, we can be thankful for unanswered prayers!

I heard that Nélo stands for the first letter of each owner’s name. That seems pretty egotistical?

Nélo stands for: Nurturing Excellence, Living Optimally. Hope that puts that to rest. 😊

I have read or watched content saying you guys are operating illegally. What are you doing to ensure you operate legally?

We work with top legal counsel both inside and outsidethe direct selling industryto ensure that every step today and in the future is compliant and legal. Being a global opportunity, there are continuous legal parameters and compliance mandates that are always evolving and fluctuating in different countries. We will always do our best to comply with country laws and regulations with top legal counsel. Nélo Life Affiliates only earn money based on LIFEstyle Membership subscriptions and many products/services offered in our LIFEshop. We pride ourselves in relationship marketing done the right way! We look forward to co-creating a new standard of excellence in relationship marketing with our Affiliate Family.

I heard the owners were in another company before starting Nélo Life?

Nick, Eric, and Larry have each worked hard to achieve top ranks in several network marketing companies. Additionally, all co-founders have been successful in traditional businesses, trading, charitable work, sports coaching, education, investing and more! Heck, Larry Lane is in the Screen Actors Guild! They were active together in a previous network marketing company, but were not on the ownership side. This is the first network marketing company that any of them have owned.

The owners had to take out a lot of loans and ‘outside money’ in order to start Nélo Life?

Fortunately, the owners were able to use their own money to completely fund and capitalize Nélo Life. There are no outside shareholders or private equity involved whatsoever. The owners completely control the company.

I heard the owners never intended to be owners of a network marketing company?

This is true! However, after seeing so many great people getting ‘screwed over’ by poor decision making and/or greed, they decided to co-create a company with great field leadership that creates a transformative paradigm shift in the world of relationship marketing.

I have seen posts and videos on social media that say very negative things about Nélo Life?

We are big proponents of freedom of speech and expression. However, in today’s world, anyone with a computer or smartphone can post anything they deem to be true. Unfortunately, we have all seen things online that are just flat out not true. Whatever the ulterior motives may be – monetizing clicks, driving traffic, paid bad actors, or just plain false narratives – any significant undertaking is inevitably going to bring out both the best and worstsidesof human behavior. While we have had to take legal action over a handful of individuals who choose to defame and slander, we prefer to take the ‘high road’ and have peace of mind in knowing where our hearts andminds reside (space between these two words) at all times. Again, time either promotes us or exposes us. Seek and ye shall find. Those looking for a reason TO join our movement have an abundance of verifiable facts from which to choose from; for those looking for a reason not to join us, we still wish them nothing but success and happiness!

Is this a religious movement?

The co-founders of Nélo Life will never shy away from sharing their beliefs and values when prompted. However, the overall mission of our global movement is to uplift and empower humanity in leaving a positive legacy during our time on this planet and beyond. We strive to unify and positively impact people from all walks of life and from all corners of the world.

Why does the company pay out so much?

Our overall goal as owners is not to become wealthy as owners. Our goal is to be good stewards of our community’s(remove extra apostrophe)hopes and dreams in realizing our full potential to change the world.

Should I be worried about my reputation in joining Nélo Life as an Affiliate?

We never want you to feel ashamed, pressured, or nervous about aligning with us. Take all the time you need in order to make an informed decision. Feel free to join as a LIFEstyle member first and ‘test drive’ your membership for as little or as long as you wish in order to experience the real value of your membership, and the overall culture of the company before deciding whether to be (delete be)become an Affiliate. Either way, we want you to feel great about being a part of Nélo Life!(Insert space)Please remember, there are no commitments or contracts. You may cancel your membership at any time.By the way, WE LOVE CUSTOMERS! Again, you should never feel any pressure to become an Affiliate with us.

Is it okay to just be a LIFEstyle member and not an Affiliate?

Absolutely! We LOVE our customers! Our goal is to have Millions of LIFEstyle members across the world who love the value they derive from their membership.

How can I trust the LIFEelevated platform?

Anyone can fund their account for as little as $50 USD. We never touch your money. We also use one of the world’s most secure and stable platforms. There are obviously no guarantees of returns and no one should invest money they cannot afford to lose. We are always transparent with the results, and we are confident you will respect our conservative, long-term approach to potential wealth building. Please note our LIFEelevated platform is only available outside of the United States and Canada.

Can I really cancel my Affiliate and/or LIFEstyle membership at any time?

Of course you can! You can easily send an e-mail to, or submit a support ticket in your Digital Office, or click the 'Cancel Subscription' button in your Digital Office any time. Again, there are no contracts and no commitments. We want you to LOVE your LIFEstyle Membership and/or choosing to be an Affiliate.

I really want to believe in a home-based business that is real, but I’ve been ‘burned’ before. How will this be different?

While there are no guarantees in the income you can make in Nélo Life, our goal is to build growing trust with you through accountability and radical transparency. Our hope is that the ‘worst’ thing that happens to you is that you take a few more vacations, meet some amazing, like-minded people, and experience true ‘no-brainer’ value with your LIFEstyle membership.

If my family and friends ask me why I said YES to being apart of Nélo Life as an Affiliate, what should I tell them?

Ultimately, the response you choose must genuinely come from your own heart and mind. Perhaps, you can share with them that for a $40 USD decision, you chose to step out on faith and belief that this could be the one opportunity you’ve been hoping and praying for that can truly unlock your hopes and dreams while making a true positive difference in the world. Again, your heart-felt answer is yours and yours alone.Please know that YOU are valued here and we abide by our Co-Creation Agreement with our Affiliate Family.